national park of the american samoa

Pacific bliss

May of 2023 will forever remind me of the furthest distance I have ever traveled to visit a National Park. Situated 2500 mi west of Hawaii, the National Park of the American Samoa is spread across a chain of islands in the southern Pacific. Getting to American Samoa proved half the challenge. Getting to an even more remote island, which featured one of the best shoreline coral reefs, undoubtedly harder. But the effort required to get to this tropical paradise was well worth the reward. Hence, this became the featured image for May for my 2024 calendar

As before, you can buy this calendar at this link.

National Park of the American Samoa
American Samoa

The Beach

This is not the beach from The Beach (2000) starring Leonardo DiCaprio, but this is a beach in the Polynesian island chain. What makes it special is that it is one of the least visited beaches in one of the least visited National Parks. Getting out here was not the easiest trip, but the reward for that effort was this unspoilt beach with a pristine reef right off the beach.

Most folks choose to come to the National Park of the American Samoa to experience a slice of the Polynesian life. Set 2500 mi away from Hawaii, this chain of volcanic islands close to the equator is at the heart of this amazing culture. For some, this is their 63rd (and final) National Park, but for me, it was my 56th. I had sought out this park to experience a land away from the crowds thronging the mainland. And this beach on this remote island is the closest I ever came to it.

National Park of the American Samoa